Tuesday, September 6, 2011


     I think that we can agree that there are two aspects to the atonement.  First, we have the ability to change/repent and grow spiritually and second part being the physical part, or the resurrection.  With the spiritual part of the atonement there is an accoutibility.  We are accountable for our own sins (Article of Faith 1:2).  If we dont repent there is no forgivness, so even though Christ has suffered for our sins it is our choice whether or not we want to 'use' it.  I have always thought that the resurrection was a free gift that everyone received.  But after further studyi believe that there is an accountability with the resurrection, and it is not totally free.  In Alma 41 it talks about the resurrection being a restoration.  Read Alma 41:2,10-14 (especially 12 and 13).  In Alma 11:43 it says that "both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper and perfect frame, even as we are at this time".  Verse 44 also mentions this - "as it is now". 

     "As concerning the resurrection, i will surely say that all men will come from the grave as they are laid down.  Whether old or young; there will not be added unto their stature one cubit, neither taken from it; all will be raised by the power of God, having spirit in their bodies and not blood." - Joseph Smith. History of the Church, 4:555-556

     The quote really just reaffirmes what Alma says. 

     "Of course, children who die do not grow in the grave.  They will come forth with their bodies as they were laid down, and they will grow to the full stature of manhood after the resurrection, but all will have their bodies fully restored" - Joseph Fielding Smith. Doctrines of Salvation, 2:293

     So, when do we get our perfect body?

     "The same person, the same form and likeness will come forth even to the wounds in the flesh.  Not that a person will always be marred by scars, wounds, deformities, defects or infirmities.  They will be removed in their course, in their proper time, according to the merciful provendence of God." Joseph F. Smith. Gospel Doctrine, pg 30.

     "Deformity will be removed; defects will be eliminated, and men and women shall attain to the perfection of their spirits.  What else would satisfy the desire of the immortal soul?  Would we be satisfied to be imperfect?  No!.....From the day of resurrection, the body will develop until it reaches the full measure of the stature of the spirit." Ibid

     This sounded a lot like Doc & Cov 88:28-29

     When we are resurrected will we be governed by time though?  From these next few quotes it sounds like it will be come sort of process not necessarily related to time.

     "President Smith never intended to convey the thought that it would require weeks or months of time in order for the defects to be removed.  These changes will come naturally, or course, but almost instantly.  He did not intend to teach that the adult who loses a leg will come forth without that leguntil it can be grafted on after the resurrection.  Rather, his body will come forth complete in every part.  Deformities and the like will be corrected, if not immediately at the time of the united of the spirit and body, so soon thereafter that it will make no difference.  Scars will be removed.  No one will be bent or wrinkled.  If the Savior could restore withered hands, eyes that had never had sight, in this mortal life, surely the Father will not permit bodies that are not physically perfect to come forth in the resurrection."  Joseph Feilding Smith. Doctrines of Salvation, 2:292.

     "This body will come forth in the resurrection.  It will be free form all imperfections and scars and infirmities which came to it in mortality which were not self-inflicted.  Would we have a right to expect a perfect body if we carelessly or intentionally damage it?" - Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 36

     So, I think that if we abuse our body in any way (drinking, smoking, tattoos, over-eating) that there will have to be some sort of repentance process to gain a 'perfect' body.  An immortal body and a perfect/Celestial body are different things.  everyone will recieve a body but not a Celestial body unless we live the Celestial law.  It's funny to even think that we can do whatever we want to our bodies and expect no consequence.  That's not how it works with the spiritual aspect of the atonement and I dont think its how it works with the physical aspect of the atonement either. 


1 comment:

  1. i know i already emailed this to you but i thought it would be nice to have it here. -janson
